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Friday, March 09, 2007

FieldTurf at Lee Hedges Stadium?

There may be a push on to get FieldTurf at Lee Hedges Stadium.

That's not a bad idea. Other school districts around the state and private schools with their own stadiums, including Calvary Baptist, are going to it.

FieldTurf isn't cheap -- around $700,000-- but it pays for itself in the long run.

Lee Hedges Stadium hosts around 100 games a year including football, soccer and lacrosse. It costs around $80,000 annually to maintain it.

Still, as I said, FieldTurf is expensive, and it will take a major combined effort by local school boosters and Caddo Parish officials to do what it takes to acquire it.

Sounds like a good investment in the future of local athletes to me, though.


Blogger Lee Hiller said...

Almost sounds too good to be true for Caddo Parish to do something right. It makes almost too good sense if that makes sense. Soccer games are always moved to Independence Stadium late in the season because of wet fields and to get games in. Look at what happens towards the end of football season when it starts to get nasty. Field Turf would more than pay for itself.

1:03 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Yes, I agree with the previous poster that FieldTurf would most definitely pay for itself. FieldTurf is by far and beyond the best artificial turf product available on the market. A FieldTurf field requires much less maintenance than natural grass and other artificial turf products since it uses only the highest quality materials, so in the end the FieldTurf product would actually be cheaper than if we decided to stick with natural grass.

I have played on many different surfaces and it seems as if FieldTurf is the only product to truly perfect the natural grass feel as the performance and consistency are unmatched. Another extremely appealing aspect of FieldTurf is that it seems to be the only artificial surface that can deal with rain properly in terms of drainage and playability. Other artificial surfaces’ in-fills will trickle down to the fields’ edges as they use a cheap rubber product. However, field turf uses a very rare, expensive type of rubber that doesn’t shift or move when in contact with rain. Additionally (according to my research), FieldTurf uses a naturally porous material for the backing of the turf which allows for rapid drainage. Another great aspect to using an artificial surface is that it is ultimately an environmentally-conscious decision as it allows for significant water conservation as well as eliminating the need for pesticide use. I feel as if Lee Hedges would be making a great decision by going with FieldTurf.

11:15 AM  

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